Congrats.....that is a very big step in letting the JW past go.
Think About It
JoinedPosts by Think About It
Hooray for me!
by stillin incleaning house and chunking out i useless trash today.
guess what went into the trash?
that's right, about ten years worth of magazines, all wt that i truthfully admitted to myself i never look at, and if i did it would be on the cdrom program.
Stupidest thing a JW ever told you
by Nosferatu inwhat is the stupidest thing a jw ever told you?
we all know that they say a lot of stupid things, but what really topped the cake?.
for me, it was an elder telling me i was progressing really well when my meeting attendance was down and my field service hours were slipping.
Think About It
Years ago and just of the blue while in FS a brother said, "You should quit your (good) job and Pioneer." I thought to myself....that would be absolutely insane to do. Nevermind that I was raising a young family at the time, and no alternative means of supporting them was mentioned. Unreal how many JW's make dumb financial decisions, because of the prodings from the WTS or some zealous J-dub.
April 5, 2013 news article about a N. Carolina JW raping a 12-year-old girl at KH
by AndersonsInfo ini just received a link to this article today.
i searched to see if it had been posted before on jwn but couldn't locate anything.
barbara charged with rape of 12-year-oldby adelina shee.
Think About It
Of course the guy was a JW. He also sexually assulted the girl a previous time. Most likely he was a Ministerial Servant, which the writer took to be a Youth Leader. The perp most likely had previously sweet-talked her, then somehow found a way to be alone with her again during a KH cleaning or re-modeling.
Why Do You Come To This Site?
by minimus ini believe that this site, jwn, serves many purposes.
some are here almost, out of need.. others are here because they want to know the latest in watchtower world.. still others come here for the entertainment.. why do you frequent this place?
Think About It
Where else can I go and call the JW religion a cult?
Why are there 8 Governing Body/FDS members?!
by DATA-DOG inthis is pure speculation.
just one of those things that make you go, " hmmmmm??!!
8th member of the gb is appointed just in time for the nu-light?!.
Think About It
Crazy 8
The Crazy 8. I like it.
new AWAA site up and new name
by Aussie Oz innot sure if anyone has linked this yet.
go to the old site (lego men and green monsters have done the work it seems) as it redirects you to
Think About It
there i found a picture of a magazine called AAWAKE! by them, and there i believe it is...wanting to use this clever play on words on a 'magazine' came before the actual name...and who would blame them, it is a clever use of the WTs own magazine name.
Don't forget the AAWATCHTOWER magazine.
Lot's of talk on the July Watchtower?
by noonehome inso i've heard lots of talk from within about the 'new light' in this watchtower...i'm yet to look at it in any detail.
i'm kind of surprised actually...i first heard about it here before it was even available but close to the time it did come out people started bringing it up - even our co.. some say things like "have you heard about this?
" or "big changes," or "allot of things they said we believed, i didn't realize,"(lots of that) or "brain-overload" or " too much information, but i've never felt more pumped up" or "it's soo exciting to see jehovah's spirit lead his organization..." or "it requires time to sink in, but it's a good feeling!
Think About It
It's amazing.....all the books and Watchtower pages printed promoting old doctrines & ideas as "the Truth", and all they are now is old light BS. If these Watchtower clowns have been completely wrong for over 100 years now, why do the sheep think that all of a sudden the current WTS GB is going to get it right?
This religion is nothing more than a religious publishing corporation, Governing Body CEO worshipping cult.
Who has experienced a REAL demonic incident?
by Monsieur inhas anybody here experienced a bonafide, real, true incident in whicy 'demons' actually interacted with you or did something 'supernatural' that left you convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that satan and his demons exist??.
Think About It
Years ago with another elder I went over to a elderly sisters house because she said she heard rattling in her kitchen cabinets. We looked and saw nothing then we prayed with her to stop those demons. Next day she called and her cabinets was laying on the floor. It turn out to be termites was in her walls eating away. Proof that demons work in mysterious ways.
Obviously......those termites were demonized.
Well an old friend found me. Now I'm in her cross hairs to get active again.
by wha happened? inugh.
on one hand i'm glad she's ok. rather sickly.
but once she got word i've been inactive, she's all hot and bothered to get me back to meetings.. "did you attend the memorial this year?".
Think About It
Naw that implies there is a chance. I won't give her anything to hook her hopes on it.
I too would never give any answer that implies there is a chance I would re-join this cult, or give any validity to it's bat-shit crazy teachings or life-style.
My View and Bobby Dylan's View of AntiWatchtower Special Groups
by Band on the Run inmy computer crashed so i am not fully informed of the recent antiwatchtower organization.
i must vent, however.
perhaps i am the only one on the face of the earth (or the entire universe) but i found cedar's opening announcement insulting.
Think About It
Can someone tell me what Bob Dylan has to do with all this since his name is in the subject line?
I am only guessing, but Bob Dylan wrote; All Along the Watchtower. Maybe that is the connection. was very poor taste to call Mr. Cedars out like that. Something of this nature would have been best handled by PM.